
Lowell Didas MMR #768, 2024

Our Newest MMR #768

Lowell Didas is now MMR #768. After several “challenges” from friends he finished all the requirements for MMR on the last day of being the Rocky Mountain Region President. Here are some division members who especially helped him on this journey. Congratulations!!! P.S. That now makes 4 MMRs in the […]

May Superintendent Message

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” Sometimes it’s spendingtime with friends in their basement! Here we are at Lowell’s again. This time passing him off on his Civil requirements. With the completion of this certificate, he only needs one more to achieve […]

Rocky Mountain Regional Convention

Registration Link: This year’s convention will be held at the Stadler Rail US facility, located near the Salt Lake International Airport. Clinics will be held in their training/conference rooms. Excursions are planned for a ride on the Heber Valley Railroad (among others TBA). There will be a mini train […]