
The Northern Utah Division is big on Fun, Friendship, and Modeling!! Our members model the entire spectrum of scale, gauge, era, and subject, and we are sure you will find a local model railroad club that will meet your needs. Guests are always welcome to “test-drive” one of our member-only […]

December Superintendent Message   Recently updated !

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” At the train show I found a hat that matches my caboose! No, not that caboose, the caboose you see in the selfie! When I saw it I knew I needed it. Only after I bought it did […]

November Superintendent Message   Recently updated !

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” I’ve been giving rides to kids (and sometimes their parents) on Halloween on my backyard railroad for about twenty years now! I’ve missed a few years because of bad weather and last year we were on a family […]

October Superintendent Message   Recently updated !

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” Sometimes you go to someone else’s basement to play trains. 😀 This month I helped again at the Fall Festival in Saratoga Springs at Shay Park where we run 1 ½” scale trains that people can […]

September Superintendent Message

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” This month’s selfie finds me back up in Evanston this time with HO Free-mo – the 9th Annual Mountain States Free-mo Event. Guys came from California, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, I think Texas and probably a few others I’m […]

August Superintendent Message

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” This month’s selfie is actually a selfie collage! Just a few of the selfies I took at E24. While I had great fun running trains, I enjoyed even more interacting with friends I hadn’t seen in awhile as […]

Our Newest MMR #768

Lowell Didas is now MMR #768. After several “challenges” from friends he finished all the requirements for MMR on the last day of being the Rocky Mountain Region President. Here are some division members who especially helped him on this journey. Congratulations!!! P.S. That now makes 4 MMRs in the […]

Lowell Didas MMR #768, 2024

July Superintendent Message

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” I have several selfies to choose from this month but here you find me with the OT&W visiting the Tintic mining district (part of the club’s namesake.) We drove to Eureka, then one the prior mayors, and […]

June Superintendent Message

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” I was watching a show where the dad said, “Here, you take a selfie of me.” and the mom replied, “I don’t think you know what a selfie is.” This is one of those situations. Keith took a selfie of me with […]

May Superintendent Message

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” Sometimes it’s spendingtime with friends in their basement! Here we are at Lowell’s again. This time passing him off on his Civil requirements. With the completion of this certificate, he only needs one more to achieve […]

Rocky Mountain Regional Convention

Registration Link: https://geoffreykcarter.regfox.com/2024-rocky-mountain-region-convenion This year’s convention will be held at the Stadler Rail US facility, located near the Salt Lake International Airport. Clinics will be held in their training/conference rooms. Excursions are planned for a ride on the Heber Valley Railroad (among others TBA). There will be a mini train […]