December Superintendent Message

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” Among other things, I’ve been working on a new Free-mo module. I know, I still have to “finish” my other ones but I like having lots of projects going on at once. Before getting the track down on the new module, we had a little get together called Thanksgiving Dinner. Hopefully you had a good time and were able to reflect on things you are thankful for. Besides my family, of course, I am thankful for all of you for making this hobby so great!

Don’t forget to vote for Board positions. There was a special email sent 11/30 with bios and a link to vote. You can also vote at the meeting. It’s great to see more options than in years past. Everyone who is running would be great so make your vote count! After all, it is YOUR division!

Our meeting this month will include a fun clinic about electronics followed by food and fun! Bring something to share that you enjoy eating and a present for the gift exchange. Even if you don’t bring anything else, bring yourself! It will be fun to hang out and get to know eachother better, that way we can enjoy the journey together!

Jim Wanlass, MMR #585

Northern Utah Division of the NMRA