Yearly Archives: 2015

Division Elections 2015

IT IS ELECTION TIME AGAIN! If you are a current Northern Utah Division, NMRA member then make your voice heard and vote! There are two ways to cast your ballot: Voting On-line Click on the link below and fill in the information on the survey. The survey will be […]

April Layout Tour 2015

Guil’s layout is a work-in-progress like most of our layouts. Heavy into the steel industry including all things that support it: open hearth, blast furnace, roller mill, coal mine load-outs, and so on… several large yards, hundreds of cars, oh and don’t forget the passenger trains, plus all kinds of […]


We have added a new page to the website showcasing those who have received AP certificates as well as those actively working on certificates. This month at the event we passed out 8 Merit Award certificates! These are awarded to modelers who had models that were judged against a set of […]