Don’t forget that in December our Monthly Event will be at Blaine Holbrook’s home.
Blaine Holbrook
500 East Pages Lane, Centerville, UT
Park in the church parking lot, use Blaine’s neighbor’s gate to get through to Blaine’s backyard and use his back door.
In January we will meet at the OT&W’s Train Show at the Thanksgiving Point Barn. On Saturday the show is from 10-6 and our meeting is planned to be in a room at our usual time from 3-5.
The address is: 3003 Thanksgiving Way in Lehi.
From the north I-15 take Exit 284 or from the south take Exit 282. The Barn is just a little North West of the Megaplex Theaters.
Enjoy the show and attend our event!
February we will be back at our usual location in the hospital conference room.