Train Show this weekend! Nov 3rd & 4th

We want to remind everyone that this weekend is our annual train show that we host for the public. It is also a chance for some of the local clubs to display their portable layouts. I know the OT&W have been making progress on their club HO layout that is built to Free-mo standards with the exception of lowering it to 40″ for better public viewing. The Utah Free-moN (N scale Free-mo) also has new modules and I am sure there are updates and changes to other club modules being shown as well.

This show is put on by a lot of volunteer hours so please help where you can. Even if you are there as part of your club we ask that you spend a little time helping with the show.

Sign up to help! – There are still spots open and you can even ask where help is needed once you are at the show!

Thanks for all you do!