Geoff Carter, Fred Baney & Jim Wanlass recently helped at a Merit Badge Pow Wow. They passed off 20 scouts who earned the Railroading Merit Badge. Fred & Jim are official Merit Badge Counselors while Geoff brought his timesaver and knowledge about railroading. All three have built their own timesavers, each a little different from the other. Geoff was inspired by Jim’s (as he is seen working on Jim’s in the photo) and Jim had finally built a portable one that folds up after a 12 year “dream” to someday build one. Fred’s is probably twice that old but still works well. Info about Jim’s being built can be found on his website:
Every year at the Wasatch Rails Train Show Railroading Merit Badge Clinics are given on Saturday.
Having a hands-on component to the clinic has really enhanced the enjoyment for the boys. They have lots of fun and gives them a real sense of what fun model railroading can be! If you want to learn how you can be a Merit Badge Counselor or just help out with the clinic let us know. You can email to learn more.