Golden Spike Limited 2014

Convention Logo

June 17th through 22nd, the Division is hosting the Rocky Mountain Region’s annual Convention in Sandy!

You won’t want to miss this. Not only is this a Region Convention we can all actually drive to, the Convention Committee have planned some fantastic events for us to enjoy!

Charlie Getz, yes, that Charlie Getz, will get the ball rolling as our Keynote Speaker, and our Saturday Night Banquet will feature Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Chubb , yes, that Bruce Chubb, as we wrap up one of the most fun weeks of model railroading goodness that we have seen in Northern Utah since our last train show!

Clinics, you say? Yes. There will be clinics!

Operations, you say? Yes. There will be operations!

Convenience, you say? Oh for heaven’s sake! We dragged the Convention all the way from Albuquerque just so you could make it to one in your own lifetime … Sandy’s not that far!!

Everyone is welcome, and everyone is encouraged to take advantage of this rare opportunity to enjoy the best of the NMRA while it’s in the same state as us!!

Point your web browser to and read all about it – there’s way more room over there to talk about all the fun stuff – and you can register for the Convention while you’re there!

We’ll see you in June!!!