There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” Sometimes it’s spending
time with friends in their basement! Here we are at Lowell’s again. This time passing him off on his Civil requirements. With the completion of this certificate, he only needs one more to achieve MMR! (More info about that in the Achievement Program article.)
Less than a month to go until the Region Convention!
Don’t wait to register:
The Stadler Open House on Saturday is open to the public but if you want to go to any of the clinics, layout tours, ops sessions or model contest, you need to register for the convention. More info about the model contest and special categories can be found in the Region newsletter, Callboard: the-contest-chair-2

This will be a good opportunity to renew friendships, and make new ones, with those who are part of our region who we don’t get to see that often. It’s fun to see others than our normal daily (or monthly) associations and it’s another way we can enjoy the journey together!
Jim Wanlass, MMR #585
Northern Utah Division of the NMRA