April Superintendent Message

There’s so much more to this hobby than just “building trains in your basement!” I can’t believe there was a model railroad event every weekend in March! This month’s selfie comes from the 2nd Annual Model Train Show at the Historic Wendover Airfield Museum. This event had other Free-moN members from multiple states as well as the OT&W Club, all displaying (and running) their trains. It’s fun to see friends in person from outside the area (as well as in the state) that I often only “see” on-line. Thanks to Kevin Anderson for getting this event started with his original Free-moN module of the Airfield which is now retired from traveling and on permanent display at the museum.

Now that warmer weather is here I know people are going to want to be outside but don’t neglect your trains 🙂 Seriously, we look forward to seeing you at our monthly meetings and we are planning an outdoor one again this summer. Please bring something for Show and Tell. I enjoy seeing what others are working on and that is at least one way that we can enjoy the journey together!

Jim Wanlass, MMR #585

Northern Utah Division of the NMRA