RMR 2016 Convention

The NMRA’s Rocky Mountain Region 2016 Convention is being held in Colorado Springs, CO. Below is what they have to say. Hopefully you can attend the convention. At the bottom is a copy of the registration form.


We are pleased to host you during an exciting week of model railroading, enjoying and learning about the Pikes Peak region, and catching up with old friends. All of this under our majestic backdrop of America’s Mountain!

The impressive clinic line-up features a variety of topics for all scales and skill levels. You are sure to keep very busy learning from some of the best modelers in the region.

The layout tours consist of the finest home and club layouts in the Pikes Peak region. Most layouts are open twice for your planning convenience.

Extra fare activities include evening bus trips to Cripple Creek and a Royal Gorge Route train ride. Interesting visits to the Limon Rock Island Depot Museum, the Cog Railway shops, and the Interurban Railway museum make for great educational and historical opportunities.

Don’t miss the presentation by NORAD officials to learn about the region’s importance in the defense of our continent.

Enjoy our guest speaker, Mr. Richard Luckin, at the banquet on Saturday night.

For the ladies, a lunch and fashion show on Thursday kick-off the festivities nicely.

The train show and vendors are open to only our registrants on Friday night, giving you first chance to find that perfect piece of equipment for your layout.

Thanks for joining us at the Pikes Peak or Bust Convention. Enjoy your week!

Roy Thompson
2016 Convention Chairman


Download the Registration Form